Surgical Options

Surgery is typically a later option for Doose syndrome children.  Because the syndrome is considered a generalized disorder (entire brain simultaneously) many surgical interventions are not available as they only work for focal seizures. (Starts at a certain identifiable point in the brain.)  However, there are some surgical options.  Typically these are not cures but often tend to mitigate the severity, number, and length of seizures.  

Vagal Nerve Stimulator (VNS)

The VNS is most easily described as being like a pacemaker for the brain.  The surgery includes attaching a wire to the vagal nerve that regularly stimulates the nerve in a way that, for an, as of yet unknown reason, interrupts the seizure processes in the brain. Learn more here.

Corpus Callosotomy 

In this procedure, the connecting fibers between the two hemispheres of the brain are cut.  This prevents seizure activity from spreading from one part of the brain to the other.  It is not fully understood how this helps with Doose syndrome because it is a Generalized Seizure disorder.  Some have speculated that all seizures have a beginning point but that the ones we call Generalized simply cannot be identified given modern technology.  Whatever the case, in some of the most severe cases parents have opted to try this and some have had positive results.  The surgery comes with some serious trade-offs and implications for the patient.  The brain is connected for a reason and this surgery is a fairly radical intervention, however, if the case is severe enough it may be something to consider, but generally not after trying everything else. Learn more about it here.